For all purposes, the parties agree to the following definitions:

- Company: Opportunity Revival - Lda;

- Park: Parque Aeroporto, or just Park, covered and uncovered, fenced and walled, with alarm, permanent surveillance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and with admission restricted to third parties, located in the area surrounding Lisbon airport or within a radius 9 kilometers, without any harm to the customer;

- Client: Natural or legal person who will use the park under the conditions set out in this agreement;

- Vehicle: Motor vehicle of which the customer, for any legitimate reason, has the availability, not including any accessory goods not incorporated into it, and which is appropriable;

- Airport: Humberto Delgado International Airport (Lisbon), in whose vicinity the Park is located.


The purpose of this contract is to make the Park's facilities available for the duration periods agreed between the Client and the Company, per day and subject to the other conditions set out in the following clauses.

Access to the Car Park is subject to acceptance of the conditions stipulated in this regulation of “GENERAL RULES AND OPERATING CONDITIONS OF THE AIRPORT PARK”


1. This contract will have the duration agreed in each case between the Customer and the Company, without prejudice to the fact that this period may be extended or shortened, through communication between the parties.


1. Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Agreement, upon signing this Agreement, the Customer will be guaranteed the following benefits:

a) Storage of the vehicle at the Park facilities, for the duration of this Contract;

b) The eventual collection and delivery of the Customer's Vehicle at the Airport, if this is specifically agreed between the Customer and the Company, at least 1 hour in advance, to be carried out by Company employees, duly qualified for this purpose;

c) Transport available to the Customer, their companions and luggage, from the Park where the vehicle is parked to the Airport and vice versa, in Company transport,

d) Vehicle washing, as long as specifically requested by the Customer, or offered by the Company;

e) Vehicle repairs, provided that they are specifically requested by the Customer.

2. The attribution of the benefits conferred in the previous point assumes that:

a) The key to the Vehicle will be delivered by the Customer to qualified representatives of the Company, either when depositing it at the Park or when collecting it at the Airport, which will be parked at the Park's facilities and at the facilities of other entities, which have an agreement with the Park within a radius of 9 km;

b) The Company's qualified employees may, at any time, move the Vehicle within the Park's premises, in order to allow the movement of other vehicles that are picked up by other Customers, or, in any case, allow the optimization of spaceparqueamento do Parque;

c) Authorizes the driving of the vehicle on public roads, by Company employees, this authorization being valid for the route between the Park and the Airport, Park facilities and facilities of other entities, which have an agreement with the Park, within a radius of 9 km from this to the Airport, and in exceptional cases (road closures, abnormal traffic, police diversion, etc.) it may be moved to another route.


1) Picking up the vehicle will depend on the procedure agreed between the Customer and the Park, in one of the following ways:

a) Prior indication, made at the time of delivery of the Vehicle, by telephone, online or via email, indicating the date and time on which the Customer will return, indicating the method of direct delivery of the Vehicle to the airport or delivery to the Park and subsequent transport to the Airport, to employees duly uniformed and identified, always observing the check-in procedures referred to in clause 7;

b) In the absence of any of the prior procedures provided for in the previous point, the pick-up of the Vehicle may also be carried out by communication to one of the Company's duly identified employees, present at the Airport, or by telephone to the Company. The Customer accepts that, in this case, the vehicle collection procedure may be delayed;

2) Once the company has accepted the reservation as valid, an email will be sent to the email address provided by the customer. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the correct email address has been provided. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure they receive the email. If for any reason you do not receive it, you should contact the Park to resolve the issue.

3) The price to be paid by the Customer will be that set out in the price table displayed on the website and on the premises and previously known to the Customer, and will correspond to the number of days multiplied by each daily rate (not billing partial periods or hours). Payment will be made upon delivery of the vehicle, taking into account the park and additional services chosen and the period of use enjoyed.


The Customer undertakes to the Company to:

a) Deliver the Vehicle in full mechanical condition, in full working order and with all technical checks and inspections, as well as with all legally required documentation, which adequately certifies the availability of the vehicle by the Customer and its movement by employees of the Company under clause 4.1 b).

b) Hand over the vehicle keys that allow access to it, the alarm control if it is autonomous and any other command that allows you to deactivate the alarm if necessary;

c) Allow access to the interior of the vehicle and its driving by Company employees, under the terms and for the purposes of clause 4.2 b)

d) Any other access to the Vehicle is excluded, with the exception of situations resulting from orders from entities with authority, namely the Police and judicial officials or those with public order powers;

e) Carry out the check-in and check-out procedures provided for in clause 7, subscribing to the corresponding documentation;

f) Authorize the Park, through its employees, to remove from the vehicle, after delivery, any element incorporated into it, but easily detachable, such as antennas and other car accessories, which must be replaced in the vehicle at the time of collection. ;

g) Pay the price of the services covered by this contract in accordance with the price list in force at each time.

h) Authorize the company to maneuver and park the vehicle in the parking lots of Parking Terminal 1 and other facilities of other entities that have an agreement with Parking Terminal 1, within a radius of 9 km.

i) In the event of an accident, customers accept the repair of their vehicles at the workshop contracted by Parque Aeroporto rather than any other.

j) Customers whose vehicle is on public roads, in the event of an accident, must always activate the mandatory vehicle insurance.


1) Delivery of the vehicle, whether by immediate deposit at the Park or by collection at the Airport, will observe the following:

a) The Customer must deliver the vehicle without any asset that is not an integral part of it, whether in the passenger compartment or in the trunk, visible or not, namely equipment, radios, computers, cameras, clothing, or any other physically appropriable asset, by which the Parque Aeroporto does not assume any responsibility.

b) The Customer and the Park's representative must carry out a check-in of the Vehicle, in which an inspection will be carried out inside and outside, in order to record the mileage, damage, wear or defects existing on the date of delivery , a record that will remain in the company's possession for up to 15 days;

c) The Customer must sign the Company's receipt document, which declares any and all objects, including those referred to in paragraph a), the vehicle's mileage and other facts that may be relevant for the purposes of the Park's responsibility;

d) The company will not record minor damage, such as stone strikes, scratches or scratches of less than 15 cm, touches of less than 6 cm or interior damage. If weather conditions, lack of light or dirty vehicles do not allow a complete inspection of the vehicle, then the Park does not assume responsibility for damages resulting from lack of knowledge of its existence. Any complaints that the Customer intends to make must be sent to:;

2) Reception of the Vehicle by the Customer, whether at the Airport or in the Park, will be preceded by a check-out of the Vehicle, with an inspection by the Customer and the Company's representative. Any complaints that the Customer wishes to make must be sent an email to:;

3) Taking into account the reception and check-out to be carried out under the terms of the previous clause, any complaints that the Customer may present regarding damages or deficiencies must be sent within 5 working days after the date of receipt of the Vehicle, under penalty of forfeiting the Customer's right to complain.


1) The Company will be responsible to the Customer for damages caused by its employees, strictly in the following cases:

a) Damage caused to the Vehicle as a result of handling within the Park for the purposes set out in clause 4.2 b) and c);

b) Any damages suffered by the Customer and his/her companions as a result of transport in accordance with clause 4.1 c) provided that they occur as a result of an unlawful act resulting from serious negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Company employee who performs the duties of driver of the Vehicle of transport in question;

c) Any other damages resulting from unlawful acts with intent or serious negligence on the part of employees and representatives or agents of the Company and whose liability cannot be excluded under the terms of clause 7.2 or the viewing of closed circuit images owned by the Company;

2) The Company’s liability is expressly excluded when it concerns:

a) Damage suffered by the Customer due to the theft of any goods that remained in the vehicle after delivery, in breach of the provisions of clause 7.1 a);

b) Any electrical, mechanical or wear damage resulting from continuous use of the vehicle;

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c) Any damage caused by third parties as a result of their unlawful intrusion into the Park, despite the fencing, alarm and surveillance systems assembled, or due to natural causes that cannot be avoided by the Company.

d) Broken windshield glass or other damaged glass.

e) Damaged or punctured tires.


1. The Customer will be responsible for any fines, fines, or liabilities that the Company has to pay due to any irregularity found in the Vehicle, its documentation or its ownership.

2. In case the Customer fails to pay the contracted price or any other expenses borne by the company, the company has the right to retain the vehicle (cf. Art. 755 n.1 al.e) of the Civil Code), which will be released as soon as the outstanding amount is paid in full, which will include the price due due to the increase in the number of days the vehicle is parked plus late payment interest.

3. Any written complaint made by the customer must be made in accordance with the provisions of Point 7 n.2 and n.3, otherwise the right will be forfeited.

4. Customers must comply with the instructions given by Park members. The Park reserves the right to refuse the parking service to any person, who from its point of view may constitute a risk or subject its employees to physical and verbal attacks.


The data collected about the Customer is also intended to comply with legal obligations and for use in contractual relationships with Insurance Companies, Banks and other Institutions, with the Company committing to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all data, reserving access to them to the exclusive necessary for its normal activity. The respective holder is guaranteed the right to access and rectify them in accordance with law 67/98, of October 26th (Personal Data Protection Law).

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1. Any expression intended to baselessly denigrate the company's image subjects its Author to the rules of Criminal and Civil Liability and for damages caused.

2. The company is not responsible for accidents, any illicit or criminal damage caused to parked vehicles, nor for the disappearance of objects inside vehicles, their theft or robbery or for natural disasters, such as falling trees, etc., as well as other unintentional damages that may occur.

3. Complaints regarding the Car Park can be registered in the complaints book.


1. In the event of any dispute (Law no. 144/2015, of September 8), consumers must resort to the Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entity, with the Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center being competent to act on contracts signed in the Municipality of Lisbon.

2. As an alternative to what is mentioned in n.1, sign an arbitration agreement - VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION LAW - Law 63/2011 of December 14th.


The Present legal visa establishes the conditions of use of the space

website “” which Opportunity Revival - Lda,

(hereinafter, Company Name), with registered office at Quinta das Pretas 2685-375 Prior Velho, Loures, email,

with NIF: 515967300CIF PT number - 515967300, and registered in

Lisbon Commercial Registry Office.

Access to the web space is assigned to a User and implies the

acceptance, full and unreserved, by the User of all and

each of the conditions present in this Legal Notice.

All intellectual property rights of this electronic domain

as well as its contents belong to the company and third parties,

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personal and private use. It is therefore prohibited to alter, separate

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Only the use of content from this domain is authorized

electronic for informational and service purposes, whenever it is mentioned or

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due to their incorrect use.

To access the information contained in this web space and use the

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parents, guardians or legal representatives.

The data, texts, information, graphics and links published in this

web are compiled for purely informative purposes for all

people interested in them, without their access giving rise to

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company reserves the right to modify domain contents

web without prior notice.
The hyperlinks and hypertexts accessed through this

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Please note that the data included in this form, in accordance with the

provided for in Organic Law 15/1999 on Character Data Protection

Guys, you will be part of an automated file from

responsibility of the company, in compliance with the LAW OF


Law 41/2004 OF 12 July on Privacy protection in the sector

of Electronic Communications
The purpose of data collection is to inform interested parties about the

company, its services and/or products. If you refuse to

communicating data will be impossible to provide information.

You may send your communications and exercise access rights,

correction, cancellation and opposition through the mail address

email or mail to the address indicated above.

Data provided by Users via the web and/or mail

electronic media may be used to send advertising, both

through “sms” messages to cell phones or mail


The User may not, under any circumstances, introduce any type of

of viruses on the web domain as well as trying to access data from the

even modify them, access your mail accounts, messages and

The company does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness

or morality of data, programs, information or options, any

whatever their origin, that circulate in their network or networks to which the

User access via the web. The Customer expressly accepts

keep the company exempt from any liability related

with the web. The User assumes as his exclusive

responsibility for the consequences, damages or actions that may

derive from access to said contents as well as their

reproduction or broadcast.Community Validated Icon

The company will not be responsible for infractions committed by

any User that affects the rights of other Users of the

web, or third parties, including copyright rights, trademarks,

patents, information, confidentiality and any other right to

intellectual or industrial property.

The company will use the civil or criminal actions that by law

respond to any misuse of your domain

web. Disputes that may arise in relation to this area will be

governed by Portuguese law and submitted to Juries and Courts

competent in the Lisbon region.


A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer to

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What types of cookies are used on this website?

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- Cookies Analysis: those that are treated well by us or by

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- Advertising cookies: These are those that, well treated by

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internet and we may show advertising related to your

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- Behavioral advertising cookies: these are those that

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Third-party cookies: The website may

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In particular, this website uses:

- Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by

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